hoomygoth wrote in 50discos Dec 16, 2008 22:18
g-folk rock, g-indie rock, g-indie pop, a-the war on drugs, d-wagonwheel blues, a-say hi to your mom, d-numbers & mumbles
hoomygoth wrote in 50discos Sep 08, 2008 19:32
g-post-hardcore, g-indie rock, a-monochrome, d-cache
hoomygoth wrote in 50discos May 05, 2008 16:45
g-indie rock, a-nine inch nails, d-the slip, d-narrow stairs, a-death cab for cutie, g-industrial
hoomygoth wrote in 50discos Mar 08, 2008 00:14
g-indie rock, d-alone: the home recordings of rivers c, a-rivers cuomo